Help Centre

What is the Society's Charitable Business Number?
Pets and Friends is a registered BC Society and a registered Canadian charity. Our Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Business Number is:
BC Pets and Friends 13280 7348 RR0001
Is the Pet Therapy Program available province wide?
Currently, Pets and Friends is dedicated only to the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
I would like to drop by your office. Where are you located?
Pets and Friends has a mailing office only and both staff and board work from home offices. By keeping our operations “virtual,” we have been able to keep our costs down while still providing the healing power of the human animal bond to those in need of a friendly visit.
How can I request ongoing pet therapy visits to my facility?
To arrange ongoing Pet Therapy visits to your facility from one of our Pet Therapy Teams, please follow the link to fill out the request form.
How long will it take to get a Pet Therapy Team at my facility? Where in line is our facility?
Due to high demand, we are unable to provide a guarantee of or timeframe for when your facility might be matched with a Pet Therapy Team. It is up to our Pet Therapy Teams to choose the facility that most suits them. We promote all new pet therapy opportunities equally.
Can we choose when the Pet Therapy Team visits?
Yes, you can choose the days and times for a Pet Therapy Team to visit. The more flexible you are, the better your chance is of getting a Pet Therapy Team. When a Team is interested and available, Pets and Friends will contact you directly.
How often can we have Pet Therapy visits?
Pet Therapy Teams are ready to commit to regularly scheduled visits at the facility of their choice. This may be every week, every other week, or once a month. The schedule is set up between the facility and volunteer based on availability. The schedule is agreed upon between the facility and the Pet Therapy Team based on both parties’ availability.
Do we get to pick the team that visits?
No, our Pet Therapy Teams pick the facility they wish to visit. When you submit a Pet Therapy Request Form, you can add requirements (e.g. dogs only), which lets our Teams filter out the facilities they don’t qualify for.
How long are pet therapy visits?
A typical pet therapy visit is 60 minutes long, though visit lengths may vary slightly from pet to pet. Keep in mind that new therapy pets will need to build up stamina over time, while seasoned therapy pets may be able to visit longer.
How much does it cost to have a Pet Therapy Team visit my facility?
Pet therapy visitations are provided free of charge.
Does Pets and Friends make visits to residential (personal/private) homes?
No, Pets and Friends does not offer pet therapy visitations to residential (personal/private) homes due to insurance regulations.
My facility has a prospective Pet Therapy Team interested in volunteering. How can we make this happen?
You’re welcome to refer a prospective Pet Therapy Team to Pets and Friends. Keep in mind that we cannot allow exclusivity for one Pet Therapy Team only, so please provide opportunities for several volunteers.
What if a Pet Therapy Team isn’t the right match for my facility?
We want all of our Pet Therapy Teams to be a good match, but understand that sometimes a Team may be a better fit at a different facility. Let us know and we will work with you to assign a new Pet Therapy Team.
We no longer wish to have pet therapy visits at our facility. How do we remove ourselves?
If you no longer wish to have a partnership with Pets and Friends, please let us know so we can archive your file. If you are comfortable saying so, we would appreciate knowing why.
My family member/friend is in the hospital right now. How can I request a pet therapy visit?
Please inquire to Volunteer Resources at this facility to see if a Pets and Friends’ Pet Therapy Team is already volunteering.
How can I schedule a one-time event for my organization?
If you are interested in having Pets and Friends bring therapy pets to your organization and are located in the Lower Mainland, please click here for more information.
How can I get more information about Pets and Friends?
If you would like more information about bringing the healing power of pet therapy to your facility or event, please contact us.