Feel the love
Become a Pet Therapy Team
Apply with your pet now to become a Pet Therapy Team. You’ll bring comfort and companionship to people who need a furry pick-me-up. Want to learn more? Reach out to us today.
Request a Pet Therapy Team
Our Pet Therapy Teams are looking for opportunities to share the love in facilities in their community. Connect with us today to request visits from a Pet Therapy Team.
Do you believe in the healing power of animals? So do we! Our programs couldn’t run without the financial support of people like you.
About Us
Pets and Friends is a registered charity that believes in the healing power of pet therapy. Founded on the knowledge that animal companionship has a ‘paws-itive’ impact on the well-being of humans, our volunteer pet therapy teams have been sharing the love with people in hospitals, care facilities and universities since 1982.