Webinar: Canine Enrichment

Join us to learn how you can keep your furry friend mentally stimulated, especially during these unsettling pandemic times! Email us at gro.sdneirfdnastep@ofni to register.


Webinar: Stress Signals in Therapy Dogs

Join us and special presenter and author of the best selling book, Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy, Dr. Zazie Todd to learn about how you can identify when your therapy pup is stressed and what you can do to mitigate it! Email us at gro.sdneirfdnastep@ofni to register.


Annual Volunteer Appreciation Day

Trout Lake Dog Park 3300 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC

Bring your pup and come meet us at Trout Lake for our annual Volunteer Appreciation Day. This year will look a little different than previous years to make sure we are all safe and physically distant. Stay tuned for more information about how we plan to (safely) shower you with appreciation for all that you […]
